So, Easter is this weekend! If you are hard boiling eggs and coloring eggs for this weekend on Monday morning you will be wondering what to do with the left-over eggs. I thought to pass on some recipes. First, my mother used to chop the eggs and stir them into a white sauce and ladle them over toast. I must admit, I still love this! She would also slice them for salads and chop them up for egg salad which might be in a sandwich or served inside a tomato that she cut into a star. However, my daughter likes deviled eggs which will be on our Easter menu. So here is my recipe for a dozen eggs: Peel the hard-boiled eggs and slice in half long wise. Then remove the egg yolks and place in a bowl. Set the egg whites aside. Mash the egg yolks with a fork. When relatively smooth add in a third to a half cup of mayonnaise (I use low fat) or you could use plain yogurt, or sour cream, or low-fat cream cheese, or smashed up avocado with a little lemon or lime juice and sour cream. Then add salt, and pepper to taste and stir until smooth. Now really let your imagination run free. You might want to grate a little onion, or garlic powder into them or add some mustard or pickle relish into them. After you finish making the recipe your own spoon or pipe the mixture into the half egg whites. Then you need to dress it for the occasion by topping it. Old school is to sprinkle them with paprika but in today’s world there are many culinary options. You can top them with microgreens, finely chopped chives, sprigs of dill, thin radish slices, crumbled bacon, thinly sliced or chopped pickle, or a thin slice of salmon, or sun-dried tomato. If you went the avocado route you might want to top with salsa or sprinkle with Mexican lime seasoning. Basically, let your taste buds be your guide.
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