How much feed will your laying hens eat is a common question we get. Based on 25+ years of experience we've developed this easy to use calculator you and your new chicks can count on.
For the first 6 weeks your chicks should be on organic starter feed. Young chicks require a 20% protein feed
Starting with week seven, feed your laying chickens poultry grower feed. The protein level of this feed is typically 17% to 18%. If you have left over poultry starter feed, mix it with the poultry grower feed.
Once your chickens begin to lay (roughly 20 weeks) switch your chickens to layer feed. The protein level of this feed is typically 16% to 17%. If you have left over poultry grower feed, mix it with the poultry layer feed.
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16291 321st Ave
Hamburg, MN 55339
Text: 612-479-4937