Today is the day Christians celebrate because Jesus rose from the dead in fulfillment of prophecy and his gift to us of eternal life in heaven. Even so there are any aspects of our Easter celebration that have been derived from other religious or mythical beliefs. Here are just a few. The egg is an ancient symbol of new life with egg decorating dating back to the 13th century. Rabbits are an ancient symbol of fertility and new life. The Easter Bunny is a mythical creature who laid eggs has been reported to have been started by German immigrants who settled in America in the 1700s. The jellybean, which is produced to look like an egg came into being in the 1930s although some believe it dates back to something called Turkish Delight during biblical times. Lamb is the traditional meat served on Easter as Jesus is the “Lamb of God.” However, we and many others have a tradition to serve ham. And finally, the Easter Lily. Which is grown from dormant bulbs and thus represents new life and symbolizes the purity of Christ to Christians. The bottom line is that today is a joyous day! I leave you all with the following: What do you call a line of rabbits jumping backwards? A receding hare-line, of course! HAPPY EASTER!
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