As you unpack your new arrivals carefully dip each chick’s beak in the drinking water and make sure they drink. If it looks like they did not swallow dip their beaks again. Set them down and let them explore. They will catch on quickly and will be hungry and thirsty. If the chicks are huddling together in a tight group directly under the heat source the brooder is too cool. Adjust the heat lamp and break up the huddle. Make sure your brooder will allow the chicks enough room to move away from the direct heat of the heat lamp. When you see your chicks staying out from under the heat lamp it is time to raise the heat lamp in order to reduce the temperature of the brooder. Special Note: Make sure you remove the paper towels the day after their arrival.
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16291 321st Ave
Hamburg, MN 55339
Text: 612-479-4937