Keep Your Chicks Comfortable

Cindy R. • May 15, 2021

The Right Temperature for Your Brooder

You should aim for 95 degrees Fahrenheit during their first week. A thermometer placed at the chick’s level will confirm the temperature. After the first week lower the brooder temperature by 5 degrees each week until your layers are fully feathered out (6-8 weeks). So, in 5 to 6 weeks you brooder temperature should be 70 degrees Fahrenheit. In 3 weeks your Cornish Cross meat birds should have gone through two growth spurts if you have given them ample room in the brooder. Weather permitting they are ready to move into the field. Your Red Rangers will move to the field in 6 weeks. Special Note: Make sure to check on your chicks at least twice a day and keep your litter clean and dry.

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