There are several indicators that will be noticeable as your hen approaches the laying of her first egg.
For many weeks you have been watching your pullets grow and mature. You know that roosters’ combs and/or wattles grow around 8 weeks, however, a hen’s wattles and/or combs develop slowly. When they get close to laying you will see a dramatic change as they grow deeper in color and become large. At this point in time, you may see them exploring their nesting box and perhaps just sitting in it. Additionally, their appetite will increase. When you see a submissive squat occur around a rooster or if you lay your hand on her back and she squats, you definitely know she is close as this submissive position is a indication that she is willing to be mounted so her eggs can be fertilized. You will definitely know when she has laid her first egg as she will get very vocal. Often cackling (sometimes called “egg song”) for as long as 15 minutes. Many believe this is an attempt to draw predators from the nest. Personally, I think she is proud of herself and just want you to take a look.
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Hamburg, MN 55339
Text: 612-479-4937