Now it is time to prepare your brooder for the chicks arrival. Make sure your heat lamps and waters are secured in the brooder. Remember you will need to set up the brooder 24-48 hours before your chicks arrive. Make sure you locate your brooder so there is no breeze on your chicks. If your chicks are arriving by mail, it is critical that their brooder is warm. The floor of the brooder should be warm and the temperature in the brooder should be 100 - 105 degrees Fahrenheit. After your brooder has reached the 100 to 105 degree Fahrenheit and before your chicks arrive spread the floor of the brooder with 3 inches of woodchips and place a thermometer under the heat lamp to confirm you have the proper temperature. I don’t recommend using newspaper on the floor of the brooder as it is too slippery for newborn chicks and can lead to a condition called splayed leg also known as spraddle-leg. This condition means the chick will not be able to stand. Additionally, you should cover the woodchips with a layer of paper towels. Sprinkle feed on the towels. This will allow the new arrivals to eat feed rather than woodchips. Special Note: don't use saw dust, sand or cat litter as bedding material. It retains ammonia and the dust can lead to respiratory issues. Additionally, do not use Cedar bedding as the plicatic acid damages the respiratory system of the bird.
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16291 321st Ave
Hamburg, MN 55339
Text: 612-479-4937