When Will My Chickens Lay

Cindy R. • May 17, 2021

When will my hens lay?

     Everyone who has raised a laying flock from chicks, lives in anticipation of their first farm fresh egg. Many will order a "Barnyard Collection" which is a variety of chickens and visions of many beautiful birds roaming your farm fills you with promise and pride.

     We made this mistake some 20+ years ago when we began our farm adventure. Don't get me wrong our flock was beautiful and it lead us to discover that each breed of chicken had different temperaments and personalities, however, not all of them started laying at the same time. At the 5 month mark only one bird was laying which lead to a mad scramble trying to search pictures to determine the breed of the various birds along with their anticipated  growth, when they would lay and how many eggs they would lay, etc.

     So here's a little advice, your production birds such as Rhode Island Reds, Gold Stars, Leg Horns, Sex Link, etc. start laying around 4 1/2 months. Heritage breeds such as Buff Orphingtons, Silver Lace Wyandots, Barred Rocks, etc. do not start laying until 6 months and others are closer to 8 months.  The main issue with a variety is that you can not begin feeding layer feed too soon as the additional calcium in the feed can permanently damage a chickens kidneys. It will also reduce their egg production and shorten their lifespan. If you have the space you could separate your birds so that all those that are laying are together. However, many who purchase the "Barnyard Collection" have limited space. If this is the case keep your barnyard flock on a 18% grower ration until your last bird lays an egg. The birds that start laying sooner are young and strong and will not need that extra calcium right away.

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