Waning or Waxing Moon

Cndy R • March 31, 2021

How difficult is it to determine Waxing or Waning?

I’m still studding and trying to lay out my garden and time table so that I plant according to Moon Gardening. I have always thought of a New Moon or a Full Moon to be the same. However, there is a big difference! A Full Moon is that great big round white thing you sometimes see the sky at night. A New Moon is just a sliver of the moon that becomes more exposed as the moon rotates around the earth. The bigger question is what is the difference between Waxing or Waning? I found a website that made it simple https://www.space.com/18880-moon-phases.htmlwhen . They explain that in the northern hemisphere if the crescent slice of the moon (I think of it as a smile) has it’s tips stretching to the left it is Waxing or getting bigger (on its way to becoming a Full Moon). If the tips of the smile are stretching right it is Waning as it is decreasing. Some vegetables should be planted during Waning while others will benefit from planting during Waxing.

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