I was so blown away yesterday when I discovered the number of “Holidays” there were for March 11th, I had to look to see what kind of holidays fell on today. I found that today was “Girl Scout Day, Middle Name Pride Day, National Alfred Hitchcock Day, National Baked Scallops Day, National Plant a Flower Day, and National Preschooler’s Day. I obviously have noted that food seems to have a presence in these holidays. Yesterday was a holiday for oatmeal nut waffles and popcorn and today it is Girl Scout’s (cookies leaps to mind) and Scallops. If I decided to cook scallops for dinner with Girl Scout cookies for dessert, I could turn it into a date night with an Alfred Hitchcock movie such as “Psycho” which would allow me to celebrate some of these holidays. Ironically, psycho is how I will be if I try to figure out why we have so many holidays, who determines them and why we should celebrate oatmeal nut waffles or scallops.
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