All orders placed online qualify for volume savings
In keeping with the rich heritage of local feed stores, the RCR Organic Feed Store website extends volume discounts to all orders placed. Experience the convenience of automatic volume discounts at our online store, where incredible savings await you. The best part? The more you spend, the more you save! That's right, with our automatic volume discounts, you can enjoy incredible savings on any order, irrespective of its size.
Here's how it works: when you place an order, you will automatically receive a 5% discount, regardless of the order size. This means that even if you're purchasing just one item, you'll still enjoy a fantastic discount!
But that's not all. If you spend $350 or more, we'll increase your savings to 8%! That's right, by simply adding a few more items to your cart, you'll benefit from an even greater discount.
And for those who are ready to go all out and spend $494 or more, you'll be rewarded with an incredible 10% discount! Imagine the savings you'll make by taking advantage of this fantastic offer.
But wait, there's more! For those who are looking to make a truly substantial purchase and spend $1400 or more, you'll be delighted to know that you'll receive a whopping 15% discount! That's right, by making a larger order, you'll enjoy the biggest savings possible.
The best part is that you don't need to do anything extra to benefit from these discounts. Our system will automatically apply the discounts at checkout, so you can sit back, relax, and enjoy the savings.
So why wait? Start shopping now and take advantage of our automatic volume discounts. Remember, the more you spend, the more you save!
Order Online and Schedule On Farm Pickup
16291 321st Ave
Hamburg, MN 55339
Text: 612-479-4937